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Local Development

You may want to set up the react-play repo for the following reasons:

  • You want to create a new play (A play is a React project) or want to edit an existing play as a contributor. Please check the Create a Play Guide for more details. Also, please check the Contribution Guide to get started.

  • You want to contribute to the react-play repo in general. Please check the Contribution Guide to get started.

Here is a quick overview of the react-play repo setup:

Fork and Clone the Repo

First, you need to fork the react-play repo. You can do this by clicking the Fork button on the top right corner of the repo. If you are new to forking, please watch this YouTube Guide to get started.

Once forked, you can clone the repo by clicking the Clone or Download button on the top right corner of the forked repo.

Please change the directory after cloning the repository using the cd <folder-name> command.

Install Dependencies

Next, install the dependencies by running the following command in the react-play repo:

npm install


yarn install

Note: ReactPlay runs on React 18. However, some of our dependencies are yet to upgrade to version 18. So please use the following command when you face difficulties installing the dependencies.

npm install --legacy-peer-deps

Create a .env file at the root of your project folder with the following content,


Start the Development Mode

Use the following command to start the app in the development mode:

npm start


yarn start

It runs the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes. You may also see any lint errors in the console.